Monday, November 9, 2009

Close Your Eyes, "NO!"

Max has finally gotten to the point where he's able to put himself to sleep but it's not always at the pace you'd wish! He did not want to go to bed at all. He was all about reading stories and goofin' off but not sleeping. After his stories are read I pull up his blanket, give him a kiss, and tell him sweet dreams. My last words are something along the lines of "Close your eyes. It's time to go night night Max." Usually it works. Usually. Not tonight.

This is what I got after about the 10th time of telling him to close his eyes.

Followed by this...

...and this.

Then he faked me out and looked like he was about to cave.

I guess that paparazzi was too much so it was on to baby yoga.

Finally, after about an hour, he fell fast asleep with sweet baby snorkles.

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