Saturday, January 31, 2009

Little Man, Big Gloves

Last weekend we took Max and Hoover to "the farm" with our neighbor, Emily, and her dog, Gulliver. Max, Hoover, Emily, Gully and I all drove together and Dan met us up there. First of all, I forgot how to get there and went the wrong way not once but TWICE. Finally, I remembered how to get there and off we went. We arrived after Dan despite the fact that we left 15 minutes before Dan. I felt like a complete dunce but Emily was very understanding and that helped.

So, not only did I forget how to get there but I forgot to bring a coat or gloves or hat. It was MOFO cold and to my credit I did have a down vest and shearling boots. I always forget about the wind but I should have brought a coat. Thankfully, Dan brought a hat and gloves that I could borrow.

We waited in the yard for the owners to come fire up the coursing track but little did we know there was a small divet under the fence. *POOF* off goes Havers like a shot. I run after her, the owners are running after her and the rest of the party is left to figure out where all we've gone. Havers had a quite a tour of the barn, the horse pasture, the woods, the owners' house and their yard. Finally, we lured her back in with one of their vizlas. Thankfully, the allure of another dog proved stronger than the allure of horse poo. I can tell you right now that I'll always lose in Havers' eyes when it's a choice between me and horse poo.

We didn't get any good dog pictures but I got a couple of really cute pictures of Max and Dan. Note Max's gloves. They are actually Emily's gloves since I also forgot to bring hand gear for Max. Thanks for the loan, Emily.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Inauguration Day

Inauguration is a great day for our country - no matter who is taking office. The celebration of the bloodless revolution is amazing and worth marking with great pomp and circumstance. In honor of this Max wore a snappy red, white and blue outfit to school. He looked pretty cute.

I stick my tongue out at you.

I watched this historic event at work. It was pretty exciting knowing that Dan was part of the celebration helping it all come together. I love my Inauguration lapel pin as well.

It would have been great to join the throngs in DC but it was not to be. My enthusiasm was not dampened a bit. I am looking to the future with hope. I wish our new President well in these most challenging times. The road ahead is difficult but I have much hope. My greatest hope is that we can come together in a new spirit of cooperation and build the future we want to see.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

1st Cookie

Hello everyone. Sorry for the long pause. I've been distracted but we've had such exciting developments these last couple days that I had to put up some pictures and words. Max had his first cookie...and he loved it!

It was truly hilarious because he actually asked for milk as I gave him the cookie. He squeezed his little hand and made the sign so I handed it over.

He had so much fun with his cookie that he kept forgetting to eat it. It took him at least an hour to finish it. We tried to put him down for a nap but he clutched the cookie in his palm so tightly we just let him sleep with it. Must take after his Mama on that one. It was too funny.

For anyone shocked that he hasn't had a cookie yet I just want to set the record straight. He has been offered many cookies but he just wasn't interested in food. In fact, he's looked so forlorn and envious of other's cookies while in bakeries and stories that more than 5 complete strangers have bought cookies for him. Never eats them. Just looks at them and hands it back. Then *poof* on Monday he decided that he wanted to eat and he's been eating reasonably well ever since. He loved his cookie and tonight he even dragged the whole bag of chips ahoy out of the pantry cupboard and brought it over to me. Too funny.

I love his tough guy cookie monster look.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sleep? What's that?

Here's our little night owl/insomniac yesterday morning after a tiny bit of sleeping over the past few days. I love this blue imposter western wear shirt. It came with a onesie that has a monster truck on it. How hilarious and odd is that combo?

We are so very happy that he's finally decided to start holding his own bottle. Whew! It's funny how you know little ones are perfectly capable of doing something and yet it just doesn't fit with their agenda until they say so.

He didn't get much sleep last night either but he's in a great mood and charming as can be when he's awake so that's good. Can you find him in the ginormous bed?

Kinda neat how our bedroom now looks like a dorm room with the bed off the frame and on the floor to avoid high flying toddler spills? Can't wait to get back on the frame like adults.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yes, we're totally behind on all the updates and recent photos. Gosh, but the last month has been busy. We enjoyed out trip to Alaska and the stop off in Seattle each direction. (More on that in a later post.) Dan and I are both back to work. Max is back to school and Hoover and Chubber are back to their mysterious ways. Here's a few photos of Maximus this morning. What a charmer!