The zombie tries to break free to do his zombie thing but is thwarted by a quality storm door.
I feel like Max has this whole Elton John thing going in the photo. I may be about to pass out but I'm here for my fans. He *loves* his piano. I wonder if he'll be some sort of musician.
Amazing what one dose of antibiotics and a bath will do for a boy. Isn't he cute with his hair all combed and styled?
These two photos were from yesterday when Max turned 11 months. It's so hard to believe that he's almost a year. Anyhow, he is beginning to really like his sock moneky from Grandma Z. Here he is kissing the monkey and he was so enthusiastic that they both moved about a foot in the process as you can see in the second photo where he is coming up for air. Too funny!
Max early on Saturday morning. He's feeling so much better. Still snotty and coughing but the eyes are better and so, I hope, is the ear infection. As a side note, he has the cutest late 60s, early 70s hair. Very Monkees. Max is very happy because Dan came home for a few days. An unexpected visit and we're thrilled to see him. Max didn't get more than a couple of feet away from Dan for the rest of the day. So sweet.
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