I love this picture of Max and Dan. Brings new meaning to the phrase, "Thunder Pants". Before you say it, yes, I know that it's really lightening on his pants but lightening and thunder are pretty closely related...
If you look closely you can see that this picture has 3 generations of Zander Fellas. Robert is in the front yard waving at Max and Dan in the window.
Dan loves to play with his Incredibles doll from Auntie Fari. It's hilarious to watch him with the doll. His whole face lights up when he see the doll. He'll try to take the pacifier and put it in his mouth and when the doll talks, Max will talk back. He's even started doing his hair like his doll. Free to Be, You and Me...anyone?
Early morning games with Grandpa Z. Cat made this blanket for Max and it's so awesome. I might even try to make one some day. Yeah right, and monkeys might fly out my...But I can think I might make a crafty blanket one day. Suspension of disbelief is an important skill.
Hoover at rest for the evening.
Now a little snippet from the Writer's Almanac, It was on this day in 1858 that a paper by Charles Darwin about his theory of evolution was first presented to a public audience....He was reluctant to publish his ideas, though, because he didn't want to create a controversy by offending anyone's religious beliefs. Atheism was a crime punishable by prison at the time, and Darwin feared that people would object to the idea that God hadn't created each creature individually. When he finally told one of his friends about his theory of evolution, he said it was like confessing a murder.
But then, in 1851, his oldest and favorite daughter, Annie, died of typhoid, and suddenly Darwin began to worry about the future of all his children. He was terrified that they would all have health problems and that they might not be able to provide for themselves. So, to help assure his children's well-being, Darwin began writing a book about evolution, which he hoped would become a scientific classic.
It's always amazing to me to see how much society can change in a short period of time.
Signing off and wishing you all a good day! Be well, do good work and keep in touch.
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