Friday, May 23, 2008

Poll Results, Allergies and Pictures

Well, the 4th of July Poll is officially closed. Thought you might be interested in the results. It was pretty close.

Stars & Stripes - 4
Uncle Sam Duds - 3
Recycled Bicentennial Wear - 3
Levis & T-shirt - 6 *Winner*
All Black - 2

I'm curious to know who voted for all black. Tell me. Tell me. We like the ninja look but think we might save it for Halloween unless, of course, we decide to go for John McEnroe.

Maryland pollen is kicking my butt!!! I have the worst allergies and *wow* allergies are no fun. If I ever downplayedd anyone's allergies (except Sarah's allergy to root beer), I am so sorry. I've had a headache for two weeks solid and it shows no promise of letting up. Tried the Claritin and jitters all around. Next stop Flonase (generic). People are just getting too high tech in their estimation of the ultimate weapon for world domination. I don't think you need nukes just a lot of pollen and poison ivy/sumac/oak. Did anyone get a twitch just thinking about a mass release of poison ivy?

Other than that, it's work and - gasp - a bit of reading. I'm reading The Known World by Edward P. Jones. I'm loving it though it's a hard read for the subject matter. I'll post more on that later. As an amusing sidenote this was the book club selection for last month and I didn't read it or even manage to get the book in my possession before we met. That didn't stop me from going to book club and enjoying the fine snacks. However, the discussion was so interesting that I wanted to read the book and I'm glad I am. I highly recommend.

Here are a few pictures of MMMMax.

In Levi's and a Flannel

Lovin' the bath.

Tummy Time

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